My take on Machakos county jiactivate mtaa youth forum
Information is power.The youth have to seek and understand relevant information especially on rights so that we are aware of what we need demand for.We need to know our local leaders,their roles and the structure of our institutions.Know your ward administrator, walk into those offices,request for information and services then document the requests.These leaders and us are interpendent ,each party has a contribution to make.We have to be informed, get organised, come together and speak as one voice. It is ridiculous to have a group that makes the largest p rcentage of the population as part of the minority ones.
This journey is not a walk in the park,the transition will not be instant change from black to white,there has to be grey moments.We therefore have to be prepared to tackle these barriers along the way.A read culture has to be incultated among us,creativity and innovation in order to package information in a consumable form for part of us who fear volumes.Maximise on the strengths,skills and talents that we posses,synchronise direct the energy to concrete issues.Let us be the change we want to see
By Irene Asuwa, Volunteer Organization of Africa Youth-Kenya