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Nutrition and Food Security

Malnutrition, poverty and hunger are global issues that impede human progress and prosperity despite the global action and efforts such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Globally, many people are chronically food insecure leading to socio-economic challenges such as stunted growth, lost potential, obesity and low birth weight. This has led to creation of The Scaling Up Nutrition Movement -a global push for action and investment to improve maternal and child nutrition. Formed in 2010, the SUN Movement promotes collaboration across sectors to end malnutrition, in all its forms. ‘With the governments of SUN Countries in the lead, it unites people—from civil society, the United Nations, donors, businesses and researchers—in a collective effort to improve nutrition.’ The adolescents and youth can play critical roles in all nutrition and food security processes, from farm to fork to support the achievement of SDGs especially Goals 1 and 2. It is on this basis that OAY has mobilized youth organizations to champion the scaling up nutrition agenda in Kenya.