‘Corruption has been an elephant in the room for a long time, ‘the moderator admits as he sets the pace for the discussion. Is corruption systemic?’ Another person asks. How does it manifest in our communities and what are the youth doing about it?,’ comes another question that I feel is the most intriguing and important question.
In my view, this vice has been here for a long time, even forever does not seem long enough for the despaired citizen. It is deeply rooted in our system to the extent that it is a norm, a ritual that every leader has to practice. Whenever, I attend the Jiactivate forums, I can feel the hopelessness among the young people but what are we doing about it?
Corruption is a colonial legacy. It was planted way back during the colonial period .We were not yet free after “independence”. The same people who were told fought for independence corrupted the system with the help of the colonialists and then we all adopted it and spread it to all societal instutitutions, without even sparing the basic unit of the society, the family. You and I have to come to terms with the fact that we were born and allowed ourselves to be initiated into a corrupt system. I feel we also have to accept that, we have our own great share in fuelling this dangerous fire. I knew the swamp is dangerous but instead of draining it, I dived right into it and I cannot blame anyone for pushing me in there without my consent.
As we head to the next general elections, corruption is one of the fundamental issues that the common citizen is grappling with. It has robbed us of many essential needs and services that we deserve. The youth form the largest percentage of the voting block. The first time voters are dominantly the youth. If all youth decide, including myself that we are going to vote in fresh people who have no dotted histories and presents. People with integrity whose first priority is the need of the citizen. I would not say that they do not exist, you and I just refuse to give them a chance. That one with many scandals appeal to us and we glorify thieves.
Whining and pointing fingers is not going to take us anywhere. I cannot wake up everyday, rant on social media how everyone is corrupt when I have no idea who my MCA is (I do not even know what those initials mean), where the local administrative offices are and who are appointed to serve in those offices, I am not aware of the funds and the services to expect but however will wait for the one who will wave the new notes and vote him/her in.
We all have to own to own and fight this war. I have to be part of the solution, refuse to be a victim and acknowledge the power in my hands as a youth. We have to take individual and collective responsibility to accept our own wrongs and mend them. We are the ones we have been waiting for, as former US President Obama once said. Nobody is going to do it for us.